Become a student ambassador

The VCU School of Social Work annually has positions for student ambassadors, usually for students who are eligible for Federal Work Study; and whose GPA is at least 2.5.

Role and responsibilities

Ambassadors serve as the school's advocates on the admissions team. Ambassadors assist prospective students by answering questions about the student experience and work-life balance, and assist with campus tours.

For more information, email

Work with staff

Ambassadors can work with school staff and administrators like Stevara Haley Clark, Ed.D., front, interim associate dean for academic and student affairs; and LaKesha Bennett, B.A., far right, senior recruitment specialist.

Three student ambassadors in black t-shirts stand next to the interim associate dean and the senior recruitment specialist. Two of the three student shirts read UNAFRAID and UNLIMITED. The specialist wears a gold UNSTOPPABLE shirt; the interim associate dean is wearing a black and gold striped top with a light gray sweater

Student events

Ambassadors help plan and staff events for other students, like Hot Cocoa and Conversations, an early spring semester event. 

A student ambassador in a striped sweater talks with two fellow students while standing near a table with hot chocolate and coffee.

External events

Ambassadors may sometimes provide support at events with external audiences, such as school donors and supporters, working alongside staff such as Anna Givens, M.P.H., center, leadership annual giving officer.

Two students in gray and gold VCU t-shirts, respectively, stand on either side of the school's senior development specialist, wearing a black top and gold skirt.