Muna Saleh
Email: salehmo@vcu.edu
Pronouns: She/her
Muna Saleh is a doctoral candidate at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Social Work. She is interested in research on refugee health outcomes and the social policies that aim to ameliorate them. Her work specifically examines the effects of resettlement and related policies on the health and well-being of refugees with chronic conditions. Saleh is committed to improving equitable access to health services as part of a sustained response to growing regional and global migrant health concerns.
Saleh received her bachelor's degree from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (2015), where she double majored in sociology of law, crime and deviance and political science. She received her Master of Social Work, also from the University of Minnesota (2021), with a focus on mental health. She completed her clinical internship with critically ill children and their families at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
Saleh’s research is informed by her practice experience. She is a co-founder of a community organization in Minnesota that assists new refugees in navigating community resources. As a practicing social worker, Saleh has worked extensively with refugees in Minnesota.
Saleh is currently a recipient of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Health Policy Research Scholar (HPRS) Fellowship and the CSWE-GADE-SSWR Policy Fellowship (2022-2023). She has also served in multiple service roles within the School of Social Work, including as the president of the Doctoral Student Association (2023-2024), and as a doctoral representative in multiple school-wide committees (2022-2024).
Areas of interest
- Immigrants and Refugees,
- Inequality Poverty and Social Welfare Policy
- International Social Work and Global Issues
- Race and Ethnicity
Education and credentials
M.S.W., University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
B.A., University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Selected publications
Im, H., Saleh, M., & Khetarpal, R. M. (2024). Embodiment of structural vulnerability: illness experiences among Somali refugee women in urban displacement. Ethnicity & Health, 1-24.
Cage, J., Saleh, M. Strolin-Goltzman, J, Shockley McCarthy, K. (2023). From student engagement to school engagement of students: Toward providing the luxury of engagement to youth involved with the child welfare system. Journal of Public Child Welfare
Cage, J., Kemmerer, A., Shockley McCarthy, K., Pitts, B., Strolin-Goltzman, J., & Saleh, M. Measuring school engagement for youth involved with the child welfare system: a structured review of the literature. Journal of Public Child Welfare
Saleh, M., Amona, E., Kuttikat, M., Sahoo, I., Chan, D., Murphy, J., & Kim, K. (In Press).Child Mental Health Predictors Among Camp Tamil Refugees: Utilizing Linear and XGBOOST Models. PLOS ONE.
Sahoo, I., Kuttikat, M., Chan, D., Murphy, J., Saleh, M., & Lund, M. (In press). Transmigration Stressors, Parent Mental Health, Resource Utilization and Family Functioning Among Sri Lankan Camp Refugees in India. Migration and Development.
Saleh, M. Im, H. (Book Chapter; in press). Marginalization as Traumatization: Developmentally Based Trauma Framework for Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma in Somali Refugees. In L. Kromjak, & A. Karamehic-Muratovic (Eds.), Intergenerational Trauma in Refugee Communities. Routledge.
Saleh, M. & Im, Hyojin. [Under Review]. Cross-generational transmission of distress in the context of chronic marginalization and culture loss: A qualitative Study of Somali refugee families resettled in the U.S. Im, H., & Saleh, M. [under review]. Exposure to Natural Disaster and Polytrauma among Somali Refugees in Urban Displacement.
Professional highlights
Selected presentations
Saleh, M., & Im, H. (2024, August 6). Cross-generational transmission of distress in the context of chronic marginalization and culture loss. [Poster, accepted for presentation]. Society of Refugee Healthcare Providers, North American Refugee Health Conference, 2024 Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN, United States.
Saleh, M., Khetarpal, R., Im, H. (2024, January 14). Embodiment of Structural Vulnerability: Complex Illness Experiences of Somali Refugee Women in Displacement. [Symposium, accepted for presentation]. Society for Social Work and Research, 27th Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.
Saleh, M., & Im, H. (2023, August 24). Legitimizing the role of refugee-led organizations in the resettlement of refugees in the U.S. [oral presentation]. International Consortium for Social Development, 23rd Biennial Conference, Gavle, Sweden
Saleh, M. (2023, June 28). “Improving Contextual Factors of Refugee Health Care Utilization and Access: Recommendations and Policy Insight”. [Oral Presentation]. Council on Social Work Education, Research, Policy Practice Institute, Washington, D.C.
Affiliations and service
- July 2023-July 2024: President, Doctoral Student Association
- July 2022-July 2023: Vice President, Doctoral Student Association
- September 2023-July 2024: Student representative, School of Social Work Doctoral Program Committee
- September 2022-May 2023: Student representative, School of Social Work Doctoral Program Committee