Jamie L. Cage
Email: jlcage@vcu.edu
Phone: (804) 828-5963
Jamie Cage, Ph.D., joined the faculty at the VCU School of Social Work as an assistant professor in August 2017 and earned promotion with tenure to associate professor in 2023. She earned her Ph.D. in Social Welfare from Case Western Reserve University.
Dr. Cage’s work and research trajectory are under construction. She is excited to provide a more thorough explanation of her growth and work later in this process.
Areas of interest
- School Engagement
- Educational Attainment
Education and credentials
Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University
M.S., University of Rochester
B.A., University of Rochester
Selected publications
Cage, J., Saleh, M.,* Strolin-Gomez, J., Shockley McCarthy, K. (2023) School Engagement: From student engagement to school engagement of students: Toward providing the luxury of engagement to youth involved with the child welfare system.
Cage, J., Kemmerer, A.,* Shockley Mccarthy, K., Pitts, B. E*., Strolin-Goltzman, J., & Saleh, M*. (2022). Measuring school engagement for youth involved with the child welfare system: a structured review of the literature. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 1-27.
Cage, J., Kobulsky, J.M., McKinney, S.J., Holmes, M.R., Berg, K.A., Bender, A.E., & Kemmerer, A.* (in press). The effect of exposure to intimate partner violence on children’s academic functioning: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Family Violence.
Cage, J., Coles, D.C., McGinnis, H.A., Yoon, S., & Pitts, B.E.* (2020). Validating the factor structure of the drug-free schools and communities scale for child welfare involved youth. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 1-11.
Cage, J., Yoon, S., Barhart, S., Coles, C., McGinnis, H.A., & Starns, A.L. (2019). Measuring school engagement for child welfare involved youth: assessing the dimensionality of the Drug-Free School Scale. Child Abuse & Neglect, 92, 85-92.
Cage, J., Corley, N.A., & Harris, L.A. (2018). The educational attainment of maltreated youth involved with the child welfare system: Exploring the intersection of race and gender. Children and Youth Services Review, 88, 550-557.
Cage, J. (2018). Educational attainment for youth who were maltreated in adolescence: Investigating the influence of maltreatment type and foster care placement. Child Abuse & Neglect, 79, 234-244.
Holmes, M.R., Yoon, S., Berg, K.A., Cage, J., & Perzynski, A.T. (2018). Promoting the development of resilient academic functioning in maltreated children. Child Abuse & Neglect, 75, 92-103.
Professional highlights
Selected presentations and panels
- Cage, J., Pitts, B.E.*, Kemp, O*., Fraser, D., Corley, N., & Grady Odera, S. (November 2021| accepted, but not presented because of COVID-19). The "Spirit Murdering" of Black Students by Social Work Education. Panel presentation at the 67th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education. Orlando, FL.
- Panelist (September 2021). “VLDS Research Project Panel Part One: Equity in Practice: Highlighting Research Projects Impacting State Policy” (with Deborah Collard, Matt Chingos, Michael Broda).
- Cage, J., Kobulsky, J., McKinney, S., Holmes, M., Berg, K., & Bender, A. (January 2020). The Impact of Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence on Children’s Academic Functioning: A systematic review. Oral presentation at the 24th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Washington, D.C.
- Apugo, D., Brubaker, S.J., Barnes, A., Cage, J., & Corley, N. (October, 2019). Moving Beyond a #Hashtag: Considering a Transdisciplinary Approach to Disrupting Criminalization in K-12 Education for Black Girls. 16th Annual Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium (MERC). Richmond, VA.
- Cage, J. (January 2018). Comparing the Educational Attainment of Maltreated Adolescents Who Emancipated and Reunified from Foster Care. Poster at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). Washington, D.C.
- Cage, J. (January 2017). Comparing the Odds of High School Level Completion of Maltreated Youth in Out-of-Home Placement to Maltreated Youth in Their Biological Homes. Poster at the 21st Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). New Orleans, LA.
Teaching areas and interests
Recent courses taught
- Foundations of Social Work Research
- Social Work Teaching Practicum
- The Road to Abolition